Ramadan Food Packs

Ramadan Food Packs

Providing Nourishment during Ramadan: A compassionate initiative to support those in need. These Ramadan and Sehri food packs are curated with care, designed to alleviate hunger for the less fortunate during the holy month. As the sun sets, the packs offer a variety of essential food items, ensuring families can break their fast with dignity and satisfaction. By distributing these packs, we aim to foster a sense of unity and compassion within our community, spreading the blessings of Ramadan to all. Together, let's make a difference, one meal at a time.

Donate Ramadan Food Packs
Masjid Carpets

Masjid Carpets

Masjid carpets serve as the spiritual foundation upon which communities gather for prayer, reflection, and unity. Your contribution to our Masjid carpet initiative helps create a sacred space, fostering a tranquil environment for worshippers. These carpets not only provide physical comfort but also symbolize shared devotion and harmony. By donating, you actively contribute to the enhancement of the worship experience for all. Help us weave a tapestry of serenity and reverence within our Masjid. Your generosity transforms carpets into pathways of spiritual connection. Join us in building a haven where faith flourishes. Donate now.

Donate Masjid Carpets


Your Generosity Can Make a Difference. Imagine the joy and relief that will light up the faces of the impoverished in deprived countries when they receive the gift of Qurbani. Your donation can bring hope and nourishment to those who struggle daily, ensuring they experience the blessings of Eid-ul-Adha. By contributing to this noble cause, you can provide not just a meal but a lifeline for families in need. Your generosity will empower us to reach the most vulnerable communities, where the impact will be profound and long-lasting. Together, let's answer the call to compassion and extend the spirit of Qurbani to those who need it most.

Donate Qurbani
Water Pumps

Water Pumps

Empowering Communities with Access to Clean Water: Introducing a Lifeline for Water-Deprived Areas. This water pump stands tall as a beacon of hope, providing a sustainable solution to the water crisis faced by vulnerable communities. With each drop it delivers, lives are transformed and futures are revitalized. This vital infrastructure ensures that clean, safe water is within reach, empowering families to thrive and flourish. By installing these water pumps, we are bridging the gap and bringing relief to those who have long suffered from water scarcity. Join us in our mission to quench the thirst of the world, one pump at a time.

Donate Water Pump
Water Boring

Water Boring

Imagine the desperation of a community thirsting for clean water, their dreams stifled by drought and scarcity. Now envision the transformative power of deep water boring, a solution that can change their lives forever. With your generous contribution, we can drill deep into the earth, unearthing life-giving water sources and quenching the parched lands of deprived areas. Your donation will fuel this vital initiative, providing communities with access to safe, sustainable water for drinking, agriculture, and sanitation. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty, empower communities, and offer a lifeline of hope to those in need.

Donate Water Boring
Fidya Payments

Fidya Payments

Fidya serves as a means to fulfill their spiritual obligations while supporting the less fortunate. Your generous donation can help us provide Fidya payments to those in need, ensuring they can experience the blessings of Ramadan despite their circumstances. By contributing to this noble cause, you empower individuals who are unable to fast to make their religious payments and help uplift struggling communities. Your support will not only alleviate the burdens faced by the needy but also foster a sense of unity, compassion, and inclusivity within our society. Join us in extending a helping hand, spreading joy, and making a lasting impact in the lives of the less fortunate. 

Donate Fidya
Sadaqatul Fitr

Sadaqatul Fitr

As the holy month of Ramadan comes to a close, we are reminded of the importance of Sadaqatul Fitr – the act of giving to those in need. Your generous contribution to this noble cause can bring joy and relief to countless individuals and families struggling to make ends meet. By donating to Sadaqatul Fitr distribution, you enable us to provide essential provisions to the less fortunate, ensuring they can partake in the joyous celebration of Eid with dignity and happiness. Your support will help alleviate hunger, provide clothing, and uplift spirits during this auspicious time. Let us unite in the spirit of compassion and generosity, sharing our blessings and making a tangible difference in the lives of the marginalized.

Donate Sadaqatul Fitr
Putra Mosque (Masjid Putra) in Putrajaya, Malaysia with blue sky in the background

Masjid Construction

Masjid carpets play a pivotal role in fostering a conducive environment for spiritual growth and communal harmony. These carpets not only provide comfort during prayers but also symbolize unity and devotion within the Muslim community. Your donation can significantly impact the worship experience, ensuring a sacred and serene space for all. By contributing to our cause, you're not just supporting a physical need but investing in the spiritual well-being of individuals and the cohesion of our community. Join us in creating a sanctuary that resonates with the essence of devotion.

Donate Masjid Carpets
orphan's pension - the word was printed on a metal bar. the metal bar was placed on several banknotes

Widow and Orphan Provision

Widow and orphan provisions are the compassionate threads that weave resilience into the fabric of our community. Your donation plays a crucial role in providing essential support, ensuring that widows and orphans receive not only financial assistance but also emotional comfort and a sense of belonging. By contributing to this cause, you become a lifeline for those navigating the challenges of loss, offering them a brighter future and renewed hope. Empower our community to stand strong together. Your generosity becomes a beacon of light for those who have faced the shadows of adversity. Donate now to uplift the lives of widows and orphans.

Donate Widow and Orphan Provision
First aid kit on black gray background

Medical Cataract Camps

Medical cataract camps embody the transformative power of sight restoration, enabling individuals to regain not just vision but a renewed lease on life. Your donation fuels these camps, providing crucial eye care services to those afflicted by cataracts, often preventing blindness. By supporting this cause, you become a catalyst for change, contributing to a community where everyone has the opportunity to see the world anew. Join us in bringing clarity and brightness to lives affected by cataracts. Your generosity can illuminate a future filled with clearer vision and improved well-being. Donate today for a brighter tomorrow.

Donate Medical Cataract Camps